Celebration of Saga Dawa Düchen

All Rigpa sangha members are invited to join us for an evening of practice.

Monday June 4, 7pm.

Saga Dawa Düchen is one of the four major Buddhist holidays. It occurs on the full moon (the 15th day) of the fourth Tibetan lunar month, which is called Saga Dawa in Tibetan. It celebrates Buddha Shakyamuni’s enlightenment and parinirvana. At the age of thirty-five Buddha attained enlightenment at Bodhgaya. This day also marks the anniversary of his parinirvana at Kushinagara.

On these holidays, the Rigpa sangha gathers to perform the practice of tsok, specifically the Tendrel Nyesel tsok practice, a terma revelation of Tertön Sogyal, a teacher to the 13th Dalai Lama.

All practices on the path to buddhahood are methods for gathering the accumulations of merit and wisdom and for purifying our obscurations. These two processes of accumulation and purification go hand in hand; as we accumulate more merit and wisdom, our obscurations automatically diminish. One such method of accumulation and purification is the practice of tsok, which is primarily a practice of offering.

All sangha members are invited to attend, and to practice at their own level, whether it is meditation or ngöndro. There are several sections within the tsok that are open to all to participate, and the tsok practice is also supported by each person’s meditation and ngöndro practice.

As tsok offering includes an offering of food, please feel free to bring food for an offering, which will be included in a potluck dinner afterwards.

If you would like to help set up the shrine room and prepare offerings, please come at 6pm.


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