Full Curriculum

Ripga New York City offers a full curriculum of weekly courses and intensives, weekly and monthly access to Sogyal Rinpoche’s most recent teachings, local retreats and practice intensives.

Rigpa NYC offers 33 weeks of meditation instruction open to the public. If you wish to continue in the Buddhist path, Rigpa New York City offers 56 weeks of deeper meditation instruction and practice, and 121 weeks of training in compassion and bodhichitta to help you pursue your quest of knowledge, understanding, and self-realization.

As a student at Rigpa New York City, you are invited to participate in 2 – 4 retreats that are streamed live with Sogyal Rinpoche from other retreats around the world, and monthly streaming of Sogyal Rinpoche’s most recent teachings to the Rigpa sangha. Rigpa New York City also provides much needed practice support with quarterly meditation and ngöndro retreats.

Rigpa New York City also hosts respected teachers of all four schools of Buddhism at our center. Past lamas that have given teachings at the center are Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, Chagdud Khadro, Phakchok Rinpoche, amongst others.

See here for a list of current and upcoming courses. See here for upcoming special events.



Course Length           Course                                                                                 Prerequisite
5 weeks                          Introducing What Meditation Really Is (WMRI            None
6 weeks                          Using Thoughts and Emotions                                              None
6 weeks                          Loving Kindness                                                                          None
5-6 weeks                     The Unifying Practice                                                                None
5-6 weeks                     Dropping the Method                                                                None
5 weeks                          Integration                                                                                    None

Meditation / Essential Advice
12 weeks                       Simple Formula                                                                            WMRI program
4 weeks                         Introduction to Dharma Study                                               WMRI program
4 weeks                        Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World                               WMRI program
10 weeks                     Way to Inner Peace and Contentment                                  WMRI program
11 weeks                      Ground and Path                                                                            WIPC
11 weeks                     Meditation                                                                                         G&P

Compassion and Boddhichitta
2 weeks                       Introduction to Training in Bodhichitta                        WMRI program
10 weeks                    Loving Kindness                                                                       WMRI program
8 weeks                       Awakening the Heart of Enlightened Mind Part 1       WMRI program
8 weeks                       Awakening the Heart of Enlightened Mind Part 2       AHEM Pt 1
10 weeks                    Turning Suffering and Happiness into Enlightenment   WMRI program
56 weeks                    Bodhichitta Mengak Study Pack                                         Prior Teachings on Bodhichitta
10 weeks                    8 Verses on Training the Mind                                            One year of courses or equivalent
17 weeks                    7 Points of Mind Training                                                     Bodhichitta Mengak Study Pack


Weekend                   Introduction to Ngöndro                                                  1 year Meditation Mandala
Weekend                   The Four Thoughts                                                               1 year Meditation Mandala

Monthly/Wkly       The All-Encompassing Path                                             Meditation Mandala
Monthly                    Home Retreat Updates                                                      Home Retreat
Monthly                    Vajrayana teachings                                                           Home Retreat

Local Retreats
5 – 8 days                Winter Retreat (Christmas/New Years)                      Meditation Mandala
5 – 8 days                Haileybury Retreat (Easter)                                             Meditation Mandala
5 – 8 days                Other retreats/Empowerments                                      Meditation Mandala


Periodic                  Meditation Retreats                                                              Meditation Mandala
Periodic                  Loving Kindness Retreats                                                   Meditation Mandala
Periodic                  Compassion Practice Retreats                                          Meditation Mandala
Periodic                  Ngöndro Practice Retreats                                                 Ngöndro Mandala
2x per mo              Tsoks                                                                                            Meditation Mandala
4x per yr                Great Festival / Wheel Days                                               Meditation Mandala


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